Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Peel Pub House Red

Now, I know I tend to review fancier craft beers that have intricate flavours and tons of hops, but you aren't always craving something that complicated, and often expensive.  Watching sports and eating greasy pub food is one example of a time when you want something a little lighter and more thirst quenching. This is why on the Sunday morning of the olympic gold medal game I found myself in the peel pub in Montreal having house red and watching hockey, because Canada.

In all honesty I wasn't expecting much, especially at $3.50 per pint on a Sunday morning in a sketchy college pub.  Having low expectations meant I wasn't particularly disapointed to discover that it is pretty watery and bland.  There is enough malt in it to remind you that this is a red ale (apart from the obvious red colour), but apart from that this is really un-remarkable. I can't really talk about any flavour notes because there really aren't any but it is smooth and quenches the thirst, useful when watching hockey on a Sunday morning.  I imagine it would be good with chicken wings.

It's available on draught at the Peel Pub, on Peel St. in downtown Montreal.  At $3.50 per pint and with affordable pitchers as well the price is good for a drinkable red ale.

Rating: 2 steins

What you need to know
1196 Peel
Montreal QC
H3B 2T6




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