The first thing I noticed when I got my glass was the colour, it is a actually more brown than black with a thick foamy head, so far so good. When I took my first sip I was surprised how bitter it was at the start, most stouts tend to be creamier and smoother than this one. Once the bitterness subsides it does have a good creamy vanilla finish. Unfortunately it is more watery than I was expecting, but still quite tasty. Fans of Guinness might be put off by the initial bitterness, but they would appreciate the fact that it is quite watery. Personally I prefer oatmeal stouts that are thicker and creamier, so I was a bit disappointed, but it is still a good stout.
It's available at their brewpub in Ashton, Ontario as well as at selected events in the Ottawa area. Unfortunately they don't sell it at the LCBO or beer store, but you can buy it in bottles at the brewpub.
Rating 3 steins.
What you need to know
113 Old Mill Road
Ottawa, ON (Ashton)
K0A 1B0
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