Big Rig Brewery opened here in Ottawa last year to much fanfare, largely because one of the owners is Ottawa Senators defenceman Chris Phillips (whose nickname is the Big Rig). In all honesty I wasn't all that impressed with their first few brews, mostly generic lagers and bland red ales, but this afternoon I had a taste of their stout at the Brewery Market (an event that takes place a few times each summer at Parkdale Park here in the capital) and boy was I impressed.
I love stouts,they are my second favourite type of beer (bitter being numero uno) so I am always game to try a new version. Big Rig advertise their stout as a double chocolate milk stout, which is a whole lot of description, but an apt description in many ways. Stud Stout is very creamy and smooth, I can't recall many other stouts being this creamy, I guess they really wanted to highlight the milk in the milk stout. The chocolate also comes to the forefront, I could taste the chocolate in the creaminess, it tasted a little like dark chocolate milk, except for grownups. For me the only drawback is that it is a bit watery, doesn't have enough consistency for my tastes, but it is a great summer stout. Smooth, creamy, and refreshing without being overly complicated.
Big Rig Beers are available at their bewery/restaurant in Ottawa's west end. They are also available at LCBO's and the occasional beer store in the Ottawa Valley. If you go to the brew pub there is a (very) outside chance of meeting Chris Phillips if you are an Ottawa Senators fan.
Rating: 3.5 Steins
What you need to know.
2750A Iris Street
Ottawa, ON
K2C 3C9
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