My latest entry ushers in a new feature to the microbrew times, a rating system of sorts and to accompany my latest feature is a brew from Prince Edward County's Barley Days Brewery, one of a growing group of independent Ontario breweries that are slowly expanding province wide.
Harvest Gold Pale Ale is, as the name suggests, a pale ale and a proper ale as opposed to a mislabeled lager as some "pale ales" can be. It's actually one of the sweeter pale ales I have had, with a good hoppy finish. It is not as bitter as my personal benchmark for pale ales which is Montreal's St. Ambroise Pale Ale, but the sweetness does make it very refreshing on a hot day. Between the sweet beginning and the hoppy finish, however, there is a bit of a disappointing watery phase which detracts from the overall taste, however I was drinking it when it was a million degrees out so the lighter nature of it was a nice change. On a colder day the slight watery bit would probably be more irritating but as it was I was nice and refreshed and happy to order another one.
Overall I think that on a hot day I would highly recommend this beer, however on a colder day I would probably go for a slightly more rounded beer like St. Ambroise Pale Ale or a Kichesippi Natural Blonde (if you are in the Ottawa area), but it is still a very good beer. It's available at a lot of pubs and restaurants throughout Ontario (full list on their website) as well as at the brewery and at the LCBO.
Final rating:
On a normal day: 3 steins out of 5
On a stinking hot day: 4 steins out of 5.
What you need to know
13703 Loyalist Parkway
Picton, ON
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